My SUPERB bestfriend ever =)
POSTED ON Sunday, 30 October 2011 AT 05:27 \\
aku nak bagitau kat korang yang aku ada 'bestfriend ... hehe , aku tau .. korang pun ada .
so , kat sini aku nak introduced sikit pasal bestfriend aku ni . nama dia SHAHIRAH ISHAK . semua orang panggil dia chaie termasuklah aku . agak lama laa jugak, dah 5 tahun aku kenal dia, sejak aku masuk KAA time form 1 dulu . hehe .. sampai sekarang kami kawan baik . selalu jugak laa fight dgn dia . biasalah , masing-2 ego . alaa , kami dah mcm adik beradik , fight-2 , pastu okay balik . kan chaie ?? HAHA =D
dia ni kadang-2 ego jugak . keras kepala sikit. hishh ~ ada lah salah yang aku buat dengan dia . kalau tak dia tak mcm tuu . takde pape yg buruk pun dari dia . dia baik , selalu nasihat aku . <--- tapi aku degil sikit , kadang-2 je dengar ckp dia . hehee . bia laa apapun yang buruk dia nak ckp pasal aku , aku tetap syg dia . sebab dia KAWAN YANG TERRBAIKK aku pernah ada .
I have get tagged!
POSTED ON Thursday, 27 October 2011 AT 19:20 \\
Holla! , i get one tagged from CHAE my little cute friend .haha i'm so glad !
so , there are some rules that must be follow .
The Rules
1. You must post these rules .
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal .
3. Answer questions the tagger set for you in their post . And create eleven new questionsfor the people you tagged to answer .
4. You have to choose 11 peolpe to tag and link them on post .
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged HIM/HER
6. No tagged back!
8. No stuff in the tagging section about ''YOU ARE TAGGED IF YOU ARE READING THIS'' YOU LEGITIMATELY (a.k.a REALLY, TRUST, WITH ALL HONESTY) have tagged 11 people .
11 things about me =)
- my full name in i/c NURASFA SYAMIMA BINTI ADNAN
- was born on four/june/1994 in Hospital Besar Taiping
- i love my family very much much more and also my religion (ISLAM)
- i love to eat my favourite chocolate when i feel bored , haha .. it was M&M's Chocolate
- apple juice , milo ice or cold water are my companian when i'm feel thirst
- i have a dream that's my wish, i wish to open a boutique full of accessories and coloring fabrics
(OMA! i'm very happy+proud if it was statement!) ..terharunya~
- i know english but i'm numb to speak it . hehe . =D
- i feel very sad when my boyfriend no respon to answer my phone contact
(me like annoying him) =( ..rasa nak terjun klcc pon ada .
- this is very important for me ---> HANGOUT with my BUDDIES forever that always make me happy ,
laugh , cry and feel crazy .. tak pernah lupa kenangan dgn diorang .
laugh , cry and feel crazy .. tak pernah lupa kenangan dgn diorang .
- i just a simple girl and i just preety me not like you ,always most beauty+pretty+cutie .
- and the last thing about me is .... i'm a wastrel sometimes , MONEY~MONEY~MONEY~
shuhhh! shuhh!
Chaie's questions :
1- your name ?
2- your parents name ?
3- your date birth ?
4- did you have boyfriend or girlfriend ? do you love him / her ?
5- you like to eat ?
6- ohh, i wish that i will go ----> where? one day
7- i hope that i will get ---- what?
8- your religion ?
9- handsome or gentle ? beautiful or cute ?
10- your bestfriend when you are in primary school , did remember he / she ?
11- who i am in your life ?
So , here are my answer :
1- Nurasfa Syamima
2- my mom ---> Sa'adiah
my dad ---> Adnan
3- my date birth on 4 JUNE 1994
4- yess , i have . i dont know . now, i feel like 'ZERO
5- i like to eat chicken chop , kfc , satay and also my favourite snack --> keropok sukun
6- i wish , that i will go to Mecca and Sydney , one day . insyaallah .
7- i hope , i will get my owns piano and keyboard
8- my religion --> Islam
9- haha , whos handsome , gentle , beautiful and cute??
10- Naemah , Ieqa , Akma , Aidia , Aju , Ain , Hanisah , Fariza , Atan , Aboy , Haziq , Salleh , Hasrol and Samsudin ....aku miss korang sangat-sangat !
11- u are my special bestfriend that i never meet (YOU SUCH A CUTE GIRL!)
Thank You
1- Nurasfa Syamima
2- my mom ---> Sa'adiah
my dad ---> Adnan
3- my date birth on 4 JUNE 1994
4- yess , i have . i dont know . now, i feel like 'ZERO
5- i like to eat chicken chop , kfc , satay and also my favourite snack --> keropok sukun
6- i wish , that i will go to Mecca and Sydney , one day . insyaallah .
7- i hope , i will get my owns piano and keyboard
8- my religion --> Islam
9- haha , whos handsome , gentle , beautiful and cute??
10- Naemah , Ieqa , Akma , Aidia , Aju , Ain , Hanisah , Fariza , Atan , Aboy , Haziq , Salleh , Hasrol and Samsudin ....aku miss korang sangat-sangat !
11- u are my special bestfriend that i never meet (YOU SUCH A CUTE GIRL!)
hehe .. sorry . takde sape nak di tagged .
Thank You